Nguyen Van Canh
Frontend Developer
As a 4th year student with the knowledge learned in the university along with self-study knowledge to become a Frontend developer. I hope to find an environment where I can have opportunities to work and use knowledge in practice as well as bring my value to business.Education
Ho Chi Minh City Open University
Grade: 3.7/4
9/2021 - present
Throughout my studies, I have gained a strong foundation in web development, data structures & algorithms, and database management. I have worked on various projects using ReactJS, Next.js, Java,.. applying both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
Work Experiences
Participated in training sessions on full-stack JavaScript development. Collaborated with team members to develop an application project.
Assisted in organizing, categorizing, and maintaining library materials for easy access. Provided guidance to students and visitors on using the library system and finding research materials. Managed book check-ins/check-outs and ensured proper documentation.
1/12/2024 - 1/1/2025
Team size: 3 members
Tech stacks: React Native, Zustand, GraphQL, GlueStack UI, Magento2
- Developed the user interface based on predefined designs using React Native and the GlueStack UI library.
- Integrated GraphQL API from the Magento2 backend.
1/8/2024 - 1/12/2024
Team size: 1 member
Tech stacks: ReactJS, Typescript, TailwindCSS, ShadcnUI, Redux, RTK Query, SpringBoot, FastAPI, Docker
- Design and implement the UI using ReactJS and Typescript and customize components from ShadcnUI
- Integrate and interact map using MapBox
- Develop backend server with Micro-services architecture using Spring Boot and integrate some services (AWS S3, Gemini API, Brevo mail service)
1/4/2024 - 1/6/2024
Team size: 2 members
Tech stacks: ReactJS, TailwindCSS, Spring MVC, MySQL
- Design and implement the user interface for client
- Build APIs and integrate API to Frontend
- Design database with MySQL
Issued 9/2024 · Expires 9/2026
- Google UX Design Professional Certificate
Issued 3/2023 · Expires